The Process of Flame Rectification
- The board puts out 40VAC to 120VAC (manufacturer dependent) on the flame rod wire. The flame rod is always energized when the furnace board is powered.
- Honeywell Smartvalves are ~170 to 180VAC
- Honeywell S8610U3009 are ~170VAC that will produce ~1 to 2 µADC
- The fuel ignites and flame is present.
- The 40VAC to 120VAC passes current through the flame to complete the circuit by grounding to the burners
- This "grounding" of the circuit makes a good ground essential!
- The ions in the flame only allow half (+ ions) of the AC sine wave to pass through the flame. This is called "Rectification". This process is the changing of the AC signal into a rectified DC signal.
- Once the flame is present and this rectification circuit completes, then power flows through the circuit and is measured in Microamps DC (µADC)
- The furnace board will constantly monitor this µADC signal to verify a safe operation during the heating run cycle.
- A typical flame rod circuit will carry between 1 to 6 µADC
- Most furnace boards need a minimum of 0.5 µADC for the furnace to stay running
Measuring Flame Rectification
A µADC measurement can be made during furnace operation by....
- ALL Brands
Placing your multi-meter in the µADC setting and putting the meter leads in series with the flame rod circuit. Look for a stable 1 to 6 µADC reading
- JCI Products
JCI offers a quick way of testing the flame rectification. On their boards, they have 2 small test pads (labeled "+" and "-") where you can put your meter leads. The board circuitry does a conversion for you and changes the µADC signal into a VDC signal. This is helpful for those multi-meters that don't have the capability to measure µADC. Its is a 1 to 1 conversion.
1 µADC = 1 VDC
2.1 µADC = 2.1 VDC
3.8 µADC = 3.8 VDC
Common Flame Rectification Issues
Due to such a small electrical amp flow, there are multiple different reasons why the board fails to prove flame. Here are some of the most common things to look for...
- Must have a dedicated ground wire all the way back to the electrical panel - (good earth ground)
- All ground wires tight with good connections (very low ohm reading between the burners back to neutral)
- Dedicated ground wire from the burner box to the board must be tight with good connections
- Burners tight and making good connections to the sheet metal
- Rust on the face of the burners can be an insulator (high resistance) stopping the path of electrons
- 120VAC to the board with correct polarity. (see article on polarity)
- Neutral (white) to Hot (black) = 120VAC
- Ground (green or bare wire) to Hot (black) = 120VAC
- Neutral (white) to Ground (green or bare wire) = less than 1.0 VAC
- Dedicated circuit back to panel - (no electrical interference for other appliances)
- 120VAC circuit not running next to florescence ballasts, etc... (EMF issues)
- Manifold gas pressure at the correct pressure per the manufacture - (Fuel/Air mixture verification on negative venturi systems)
- The flame must be impinging (hitting and engulfing) the flame sensor
- Board output to the flame sensor must be 40VAC to 120VAC (manufacturer dependent)
- The flame sensor must be clean and free of any oxidation, silica or carbon (insulates and causes high resistance). Clean flame sensor with something that won't leave a residue, like steel wool.
- Cleaning of the flame sensor is a regular maintenance procedure
- The porcelain on the flame sensor must not be cracked (provides an incorrect path to ground)
- Poor burner alignment not allowing flame to transfer across all the burners
- Plugged or dirty crossover channels on burners
- The flame sensor must have low resistance and can be tested with a multi-meter in the ohms setting like in this illustration...
- If you have tested and are certain that all-the-above are correct, then by process of elimination, a bad board is left.
- NOTE: make sure you are using your tools correctly, they are functioning properly and that they are correctly calibrated - Misdiagnoses' can be costly!
Environmental Issues
It is also very noteworthy... If you are cleaning a flame sensor more than just during regular annual maintenance, then there could be some environmental issues going on in the mechanical room (CAZ).
- 1 Pipe systems (exhaust only) can draw in chemicals or particles into the combustion process and be coating a flame sensor. It is recommended to run a dedicated intake pipe (2 pipe system)
- Check for chemicals in the combustion area:
- Paint/Thinner
- Hair spray/Aerosols
- Water softener salts
- Dryer sheets
- Baby powder
- Drywall dust
- Chlorine bleach
- Etc...
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