PDF downloads at the bottom of the page:
"MicroChannel Quick Reference"
"GAW R407C Guidelines"
"Refrigerant Charging HVAC System"
Special NOTE:
GAW14L's only come with 1# of R-407c from the factory. Because of this, do NOT add the initial charge (R-407c) into the suction side. The large amount of initial charge in the suction line WILL slug the compressor at start-up and cause damage. Weigh in a "lower-than-total-expected" (about 2/3rds the total) amount into the liquid side first, then add needed remainder after start-up.
R-407C - 3/4" Chatleff TXV Kits:
S1-1TVMCA1 (B20-263) up to 2 tons
S1-1TVMCB1 (B20-264) 2.5 - 3 tons
S1-1TVMCD1 (B20-265) 3.5 - 5 tons
R-407C - 5/8" QC TXV Kits
S1-1TVM2A1 (B15-137) up to 3 tons
S1-1TVM2C1 (B15-138) 3.5 - 5 tons
GAW14L Tech Tip Video's
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